The next morning we packed up, headed downstairs, checked out, put our luggage in the trunk room and had a nice breakfast of toast and cereal before heading out for the day. We had determined not to repeat our previous mistake of not leaving time for Tower of London and headed straight there. Sadly our 2 for 1 coupon had expired the day before, so we paid full price and headed in. We started
things off with a tour from one of the Yoeman Warders aka Beefeaters. It was great fun and informative, we learned about the traitors gate and the bloody tower and some other parts of the castle. We then went wandering all over the grounds, through the white tower, took another tour within the white tower, up several more towers, through the medieval palace and visited the crown jewels. I particularly liked one of the last towers we visited where prisoners had been kept, some “graffiti” had
been preserved. This stuff was impressive, it was clearly the result of a lot of work by the prisoners. We also visited the site of executions of several high profile “traitors” such as Anne Boleyn. As we walked along the inner wall we noticed that the outer wall was full of residences. We hadn’t heard them mentioned, we guessed these weren’t just up for rent and theorized that perhaps the Yoeman Warders lived there, which turned out to be correct. Finally it was time to leave and we headed back to the hostel to retrieve our bags before going to our new digs on the south bank.
That night for dinner we used a 2 for 1 coupon to eat a very nice meal at a pretty nice restaurant near Waterloo Station. 10 pounds for delicious pizza and pasta in a nice setting? Yes please! After dinner we hopped on a bus, headed to the top level, and zipped to the Theatre district. As we rode we decided that the Knight Bus in Harry Potter wasn’t quite as imaginative as we originally thought, riding in the top level of a London bus feels about that crazy! We then got on another bus that took us past Westminster Abbey and Parliament on the way home. Nice sightseeing bus tour included in the price of our travel for the day!